Igniting the Passion With Mr White Read online

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  “I know you are tired but Alexis is asleep and I just had a sex dream. What do you say you fuck me right here?” she asked as she pushed his jacket off his shoulders.

  “Ditto,” he said before kissing her again. She hated to admit it, but this kiss was nothing compared to the way Mitchell had kissed her in the dream. He suddenly pulled away and pushed her down onto the bed. He looked down at her as he took off the rest of his clothes. Natasha smiled and took off her dress before lying down on the bed. She looked at him as he got on top of her. He smiled as he brought his head down to kiss her again while his free hand worked to push her panties off. She closed her eyes as she felt him pushing his cock inside her. Again, she hated to admit it, but this time, the sex was just too boring. It was like so unlike them, so routine, like some old boring couple.

  “I don’t think I can cum and I can’t fake it either,” she thought as she lay there. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away. He stopped thrusting and looked down on her.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” he asked. She smiled and shook her head.

  “This is not us, baby,” she said. “Our sex has always been explosive and fun and I don’t want to be one of those people who pretend that everything is okay when it’s not,” she said. Mitchell smiled and kissed her forehead before rolling off her.

  “That’s what Rita meant, huh?” he said as he lay next to her. She nodded and interlaced her fingers with his.

  “We are either at work or sleeping. We forgot what it meant to have fun and I need it, baby,” she said in a low voice.

  “I agree,” Mitchell said. “How about some sun and sand?” he asked. She shrugged and shook her head.

  “I was thinking something cooler, in terms of temperature at least. Aspen?” she asked. Mitchell laughed.

  “You want to ski?” he asked.

  “Who said anything about skiing? I just want to have an excuse to spend long hours in bed, naked,” Natasha said.

  “Well, we need a sitter for Alexis,” he said smiling.

  “My dad is always a willing candidate,” Natasha said. Mitchell smiled. He had promised himself that he would always put his family first and this time, he was about to do exactly that.


  Mitchell and Natasha had everything planned for the next morning. The baby’s bag was already packed. They had already talked to Eric and Estelle, who were all too happy when Natasha mentioned she wanted to leave Alexis with them for a few days. After making all the plans that needed to be made, Natasha stepped into the bathroom. She had just stepped out of the shower when a frantic Mitchell walked into the bedroom.

  “Whatever happens, you need to know that I love you and that I had no hand in this,” Mitchell said. Natasha unwrapped the towel that held her wet hair in place.

  “Okay, this sounds serious but before you tell me your big news, who was at the door?” she asked as she sat down in front of her dressing mirror. She took her body lotion and squeezed a generous amount on her hand.

  “My news has everything to do with who was at the door,” Mitchell said as he rubbed his hands together. Natasha looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

  “Honey? What’s wrong? You look nervous and agitated,” she said.

  “My parents are here,” Mitchell suddenly blurted out. Natasha shook her head.

  “I thought they were in Europe,” she said. Mitchell rolled his eyes.

  “They are always in Europe. I’m actually surprised they made it to our wedding. But apparently they are in town and they are here, in our house,” he said. “Right now,” he added.

  “Then that’s a good thing, right?” she asked as she rubbed the lotion on her legs.

  “Well, there is that and there is the little fact that they want to take Alexis,” Mitchell said.

  “Take her where exactly?” she asked as she stood up. Mitchell looked at her as she began dressing herself,. first her panties and then her bra. When Natasha noticed that he had gone silent and was now staring at her, she looked at him and snapped her fingers. “Keep talking, Schmidt. There is nothing here that you haven’t seen before,” she said as she pulled on a pair of sky blue skinny jeans.

  “I just wanted to have some mental picture so I know where to escape to when my parents begin talking,” he said.

  “Fine. Where do they want to take the baby?” she asked again as she pulled on her pink chiffon sleeveless top.

  “Well, Mother and Father know that we are planning a vacation and they want to take Alexis for a few days,” he said. Natasha smiled.

  “That’s great. We did not even know if Nan and Daddy would be free. This is a load off our shoulders, Mitch,” she said smiling.

  “Sweetie you don’t understand. These are MY parents. They are not the same as Eric or Estelle. They are horrific, button pushing people. I really don’t want all that negative energy around my daughter,” he said. Natasha rolled her eyes as she sat down in front of her dressing mirror again.

  “It’s a few days. They cannot do that much damage in just a couple of days,” she said as she applied a coat of mascara.

  “Clearly you don’t know who my parents are,” he said as he sat down at the edge of the bed. He took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands as Natasha touched up her face. When she turned around and saw him seated there with his face in his hands, her heart went out to him.

  “It’s really that bad?” she asked. Mitchell looked at him and nodded. “But they can’t be that bad if they raised you,” she said as she looked at him smiling.

  “I just don’t know why we have to keep up appearances except for the mandatory Fourth of July, Christmas and Thanksgiving,” he said as he rested his head on her shoulder. Natasha smiled.

  “We can handle this just fine,” she said. “Come on,” she said as she pulled him up to his feet. Mitchell groaned as they walked to the living room where Mitchell’s parents were busy making goo-goo noises to the baby and Alexis seemed to love it. She was chuckling loudly as Mitchell’s father lifted her up and Mrs. Schmidt was busy playing peek-a-boo.

  “Something is wrong,” Mitchell said in a whisper. Natasha looked at him as they stood at the entrance of the living room.

  “Why? What makes you say that?” she asked looking concerned.

  “These people are too human to be my parents,” he whispered. Natasha smiled and punched him playfully on the arm before she walked into the room.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt. So nice to see you,” she said with a smile. She gave Mrs. Schmidt a hug and she was given a kiss on the cheek in return before Mitchell’s father gave her another kiss on her other cheek. Natasha gave a little wave to Alexis who was at that moment in the arms of Mitchell’s dad.

  “Natasha, you look better by the day. Having a baby agrees with you. Maybe you should have another one?” Mrs. Schmidt, or Naomi as she liked to be called, said. Natasha laughed.

  “Please, I am still recovering from this one,” Natasha said laughing.

  “Well, for the time being this little girl will do. Yes you will,” Mr. Schmidt said as he rubbed his head in Alexis’ tummy, making her squeal loudly.

  “Mitchell told me that you guys just got here. You should join us for breakfast,” Natasha said smiling.

  “But we’re not insisting. You can leave at your own pleasure,” Mitchell said loud enough for his parents to hear.

  “Come on Mitchell. Be nice to the people who gave you life,” Natasha said as she led Naomi to the kitchen. “I had already prepared some batter. I can make some waffles,” she added with a smile.

  “Waffles sound lovely darling,” Naomi said as she sat down. She held Natasha’s hand and whispered, “It is good to see he landed a good one.” Natasha laughed.

  “I heard that, Mother,” Mitchell said as he walked into the kitchen followed by his father who was still making faces at the baby.

  “I intended for you to hear that, honey,” Naomi said as she looked at Natasha who was pouring some batter onto the waf
fle iron.

  “When did you guys even come back? I thought you were still in Europe,” Mitchell said as he sat down.

  “We had to come back for Elijah Parsley. His mother-in-law just died,” Mr. Schmidt said. He looked at Natasha whose face was as red as a beet from holding back her laughter. “It’s okay, sweetie. You can laugh. I did too the first time I heard his name,” he said with a smile. Natasha giggled.

  “So his name is Parsley? Like the herb?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “Yeah,” Mitchell said smiling. His smile died down as soon as he remembered that the name had come up with some bad news. “So, what happened?” he asked looking at his father.

  “Well, the woman had a long fight with leukemia. I guess it’s better this way but Eli is not taking this too well. And since he is the only friend I have since my college years, I have to be there for him,” he said.

  “And now we have this little princess to light up the mood,” Naomi said with a smile.

  “Yeah, how did you know about us taking some time off, anyway?” Natasha asked as she served the waffles on individual plates.

  “His sister is not as secretive as he is, lucky us,” Mr. Schmidt said smiling.

  “So, the two workaholics have finally decided to take some time off,” Naomi said smiling. “What gives?” she asked as Natasha set the plates in front of them. She walked to the fridge and came back with some orange juice.

  “Well, since we got Alexis we have found that we rarely get time to ourselves and the situation only got worse when I went back to work. Mitchell and I just need some time to work on our marriage,” she said as she poured everyone some juice. Naomi and her husband exchanged glances.

  “Work on the marriage? Is there trouble in paradise already?” she asked looking at her son.

  “No, not like that. We…um…need some alone time…away from all the madness at NSCS and it is hard doing something romantic with this bundle of joy,” Natasha explained.

  “Yeah, the Windsor Resort in England said they don’t allow baggage when I mentioned I have a ten month old daughter,” Mitchell said. “Baggage,” he scoffed under his breath.

  “Ah, your story reminds me of the good old days when your mother and I were trying to rekindle our romance. The only reason some of the leading hotels accepted our reservation was because of a generous donation here and there,” Mr. Schmidt said smiling.

  “You bribed them?” Natasha asked her eyes wide.

  “No, I would never do something that heinous. As I said I made a donation to various charities,” Mr. Schmidt said quickly. Mitchell looked at him and smiled. “Don’t you dare judge me, son,” he said before using his free hand to take a sip of his juice.

  “It has been thirty years and this is the first time he has admitted to having had a hand in getting us a reservation. I knew that phony story about you having quote unquote friends in high places was a hoax,” Naomi said with a smile. “So, where are you two going?” she asked. Mitchell took a long deep breath and shrugged.

  “We were thinking of taking some time in Mexico but Tasha wants some time in Aspen. So we got the cabin for the long weekend,” he said smiling.

  “By the way, when he said ‘we’ at the beginning of the sentence, he actually meant him. I wanted Aspen right from the get go,” Natasha said matter-of-factly.

  “God knows you will need the chilly weather,” Naomi said. Natasha felt her cheeks flush. She suddenly regretted inviting them over for breakfast.

  “So Mother, you have to promise not to do anything drastic with Alexis,” Mitchell said quickly. Naomi frowned.

  “What makes you say that? And even if I could, it’s not like I could get her away from Charles,” Naomi said as she glanced at her husband who had gone back to playing with the baby.

  “What? You can’t blame me. She is adorable,” Mr. Schmidt said with a smile.

  “Of course she is. She is mine,” Mitchell said proudly.

  “Hey, those are my genes. Your father’s side of the family is all fat and double chins,” Naomi said quickly.

  “Guess I hit the genetic jackpot,” Mitchell said sarcastically.

  “No, the one who hit the jackpot is Alexis. With your hair and her mother’s great features…” Mr. Schmidt took a long deep breath. “Please tell me you will get all men within a hundred feet screened before they even think of talking to her?” he said looking at Mitchell.

  “Please, she will not know what sex she is until she is thirty,” he said laughing.

  “Good luck with that. I tried that with your sister,” Naomi said laughing. “It’s a good thing she joined that Christian club thing,” she added.

  “So anyway, mother. You cannot dress my baby up like the queen of England or Lady Gaga and most importantly, you cannot enter her in toddler pageants,” Mitchell said with finality.

  Natasha looked at him and then at Naomi. “You do that?” she asked, shocked.

  “Come on, that’s the old me. How could I possibly pull off getting her into a pageant in one weekend? I don’t even think there are any pageants this weekend,” Naomi said. “Unless I stage one myself,” she added in what she thought was a whisper.

  “Don’t even think about it, Mother,” Mitchell said sharply. The last thing he needed was photographs of his daughter on the internet. So far, he had managed to lead a normal life despite the paparazzi that fought tooth and nail to get a snapshot of the latest addition to the Nolan Schmidt family tree.

  “Don’t worry son. I am not letting this one out of my sight,” Mr. Schmidt said with a smile.

  “So when are you leaving?” Naomi asked before she took a bite of her waffle.

  “In a couple of hours. I just wanted to drop by my dad’s and see them before I leave,” Natasha said with a smile.

  “Yeah that will give us enough time to get to the airport and check in before the rush,” Mitchell said. His father looked at him and frowned.

  “You are flying commercial?” he asked. Mitchell smiled and nodded. “Since when?” his father asked surprised.

  “Well, I loaned the jet to one of our newest clients. He gets back tonight and I didn’t want to wait that long,” Mitchell said. “If it helps, it is first class,” he added. Naomi took the last bite and then took her last sip before standing up.

  “We’ll get going then. I don’t want Eric thinking that we are influencing you negatively,” Naomi said.

  “He would never think that,” Natasha said.

  “I am taking his grandbaby away. He is going to be pissed but I need time with my favorite granddaughter,” Naomi said as she picked Alexis from her husband’s arms.

  “Alexis is your only granddaughter, Mother,” Mitchell said as he walked to the nursery to get Alexis’ bag. When he got back, Natasha was giving Alexis little hugs and kisses. It was always hard for her to say goodbye to the baby, even at the office daycare. He was actually surprised that she was willing to leave her behind for three long days but he was determined to make the trip count. By the time they got back he would have made sure that the only sex dreams in his wife’s life would be the ones she witnessed on TV. He was prepared to sex her out…as soon as he called Eric and Estelle to cancel the weekend plans. He knew that talking himself out of this would be hard but three days in Aspen with his wife was worth it.

  Chapter 3

  After Mitchell’s parents left, Mitchell and Natasha did not waste any time. Being the last minuters that they were, they went right to packing their bags for the weekend.

  “I don’t think you will need all that. I doubt you will need any clothes at all,” Mitchell said as he watched Natasha packing. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “Well we are going to be seen in the airport and we cannot travel in our birthday suits,” she said as she put the final item of clothing, a pair of boxer shorts for Mitchell, inside the suitcase. He looked at her and smiled.

  “There is that and there is the little fact that I noticed you packed your laptop too,” he said.
Natasha looked at him and shook her head.

  “No, Mitchell. I need to carry my laptop,” she said. He stood up and walked towards her.

  “Give me one reason, one good reason, and I’ll let you bring it,” he said as he looked into her eyes. Natasha shrugged.

  “Well, I…I need to, um….,” she looked into his eyes and realized that she was fighting a losing battle. “Okay, fine. I don’t have a good reason, any reason,” she said. Mitchell gave her a smile, that all knowing “I’m right, you’re wrong” smile. She looked at him and shrugged again. “Don’t you dare gloat,” she said.

  “I was not about to. I just want to make sure that the only thing keeping you busy is me,” Mitchell said as he brought his head down to kiss her. Natasha closed her eyes and let herself respond to his soft kiss.

  Their romantic moment was interrupted by the loud ringing of her phone. Mitchell pulled away from her and looked at her. “Yeah, we will have to talk about the phones too,” he said. Natasha smiled and walked towards the night stand where she had placed her phone. She looked at the screen and then looked at Mitchell. “What? Who is it?” he asked looking concerned.

  “It’s Stacy. She knows better than to call me today,” Natasha said.

  “Had you told her about us taking the weekend off?” Mitchell asked. Natasha nodded. “Don’t answer it,” he suddenly said.

  “It could be important. She would not have called otherwise,” she said as she slid her finger on the screen to answer her phone. “Hey Stacy,” she said.

  “Hi, Tasha. I am sorry to call you today. I know you and Mitchell are probably on your way to the airport but this is important,” Stacy said. Natasha looked at Mitchell and then sat down at the edge of the bed.

  “Okay. What’s up?” she asked.

  “I’ve tried to reach Mitchell too but his phone keeps on going straight to voicemail,” Stacy said.

  “Hold up, he’s right here. I’ll put you on speaker,” Natasha said looking at Mitchell. “Right, you’re on,” she said.